三是管理方面优势。担任综调室主任,既要写文章,又要抓管理。我主要是用制度管人,按制度办事。我对本室的管理比较规范,科学,严格,业绩比较突出。1999年,我省信息、调研材料在中办采用获两个第一。一位省委领导曾亲笔批示:综合调研室的干部精神状态、工作作风、办事效率都不错,值得机关干部学习。我在管理工作中还有一个特色,就是推行’柔性”管理, “柔”是柔和的“柔’。我努力做到重带头实干,不指手划脚;多表扬鼓励,少批评指责。当然,我也决不搞无原则的“和稀泥’,坚持做到大事讲原则,小事讲风格;大事不糊涂,小事不计较。在力所能及的范围内,努力为同志们办实事,办好事,为解决本室同志的住房安排、家属调动等具体困难,说过话,跑过腿。尽管效果不一定都很理想,但我尽了心,费了力。在日常工作中,我比较喜欢动脑筋,出点子。xx年9月,我组织本室同志编写的《xx省情概要》,受到厅领导和一些兄弟处室的好评。担任办公厅团委书记期间,我策划的“xxxx’评选活动, 《xx报》作过专门报道。在xx县扶贫期间,我策划、撰稿并组织拍摄的电视专题片《xx之光》在xx电视台播放。 ’
good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to give mytopic with you.eh, i am just a little nervous right now. and i usually sing asong when i feel nervous. so would you mind me singing a song? of coursenot!(sing the song…) did i sing well?okay, thank you. do you like this piece ofmusic? yes or no? by the way, do you know the name of the song? who can tell me?---yep! you are right! the name of the song is imagine me without you. as forme, i can’t imagine me without english in my life. why? please wait a moment.you will get the answer from the following content. let’s back to our topic.
as we all know, english is an international language. i am 14 years old nowand i’ve learnt english for 9 years. it has become a part of my life. i thinkenglish is not only important but also very useful to me.
i have never thought that, i would pay such more attention to learningenglish because when i was six, i always got bad marks at school and i could notfigure out the letters “ r” and “k”。 yeah, that is impossible.
one day, my mom came to school and took me home and she saw the letters onthe blackboard. she pointed to “r” and asked me “what is this?”---“r”。 “and whatabout this one”? she pointed to “k”。---“r”! i answered. “are you sure?”---“yep,mummy, they are the same!” i said confidently! my mom shook her head with anupset face. she was so disappointed with me. from then on, she tried to use manydifferent ways in order to improve my english, such as inviting the privateteachers with high salary; finding foreign teachers online; buying lots ofenglish books or encouraging me to enter different english competitions and soon. and i also worked very hard. i got up early every morning to read englishbooks aloud and had english classes for hours. sometimes i felt really tired andi had no progress. i felt frustrated! luckily, my mum is always with me! shewanted me to learn everything happily but not with lots of pressure. she triedto make me relax. it was a kind of logical game. would you like to have a try?follow me, please! raise your hands up. this is a gun in my left hand and thereare four birds in my right hand. now i need to exchange them like this. try todo it as fast as you can! can you do it? well, maybe it is a little difficult atfirst. so did i. so i tried it patiently and carefully again and again. you see,i can do it as fast as i can now. i think the way to learn english is still thesame. after a difficult training time, i found that: the more english i’velearnt patiently,the more confidence i’ve got and the more interested i was inlearning english.
i am an outgoing girl. i love to explore and know more about the world. ihave some friends from different countries. at first, i could not follow themclearly. but they were friendly. they treated me as a member of their family. wecould play jokes to each other or share something interesting together. iremembered one day i had mentioned to my american teacher that i had a fightwith my friend and i felt left behind. she stopped for a moment and said: “itdoesn’t matter. i am always with you.” at that time i felt really warm.sometimes i talk with my friends on skype and some of them on qq. and one of myfriend came from philippines had asked me to give him the qq red bag.veryinteresting, right?
during the time when i learn english, i understand a point clearly that is“learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can. there willalways come a time you will be grateful you did.” we should always in sistonwhat we are seeking. i wouldn’t give up learning english. thanks for yourlistening.
honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:
it is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the english language.
about a year and a half ago, i took part in my very first english speech contest. when i stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, i could hardly speak. i stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. my fears had paralyzed me.
while my passion for english has never changed, i lost my courage to speak in public. when my professor again encouraged me to take part in this competition, i said “no.” i couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. he looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. i will never forget his words. “look,” he said, “we all have our fears, and you have yours. you could twist your ankle in a basketball game, but then be afraid to ever play again. running away can never dispel your fears, but action will. a winner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.”
i spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. then i made the bravest and wisest decision of my life: i would face my fears – and take part in the competition!
as it turned out, my dear old professor was right. now, here i am, once again standing before a microphone. my heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, i have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!
thank you.
怀有一颗感恩的心,不是单纯的忍耐与承受,更不是阿q,而是以一种宽宏的心态积极勇敢的面对人生。我相信,最温暖的日子来自寒冷,我更相信,温暖其实是对寒冷的一种谅解,是一种感恩中的感动。一个人要学会感恩,对生命怀有一颗感恩的心,心才能真正快乐。一个人没有了感恩,心就全部都是空的。 “羊有跪乳之恩”,“鸦有反哺之恩”, “赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,“执子之手,与子偕老,”这些都因怀有一颗感恩的心,才芬芳馥郁,香泽万里。懂得感恩,是一个正直之人的起码品德。【感恩的演讲稿3篇】文章感恩的演讲稿3篇出自 本文来自时刻拥有一颗感恩农商行的心,同事彼此之间关系会更加融洽,配合更加默契,误会和埋怨将在理解中被淡忘,因为我们感恩、我们信任; 时刻拥有一颗感恩农商行的心,我们就不会在工作中发生贪图私利、损公肥私、损人利已、消极怠工的事情,因为我们感恩、我们自律。 时刻拥有一颗感恩农商行的心,我们便拥有了九台农商行这个大家庭,我们便成为了九台农商行真正的主人,一荣俱荣,一衰俱衰。
朋友们,我们应该常怀一颗感恩的心,就当喜是我们善待生活得到的回报;就当怒是培养我们耐性的时机;就当哀是天将降大任于斯人的先兆;就当乐是生活对我们泰然处世还以的笑容。 所以我要:
感谢您,农商行,在成长途中,静静的伴随着我,为我挡风遮雨,让我在被关怀的幸福中也学会了如何去关怀他人,感谢有您,不管多少日夜,我都会记在心底。 最后,愿我们常怀一颗感恩的心紧紧团结在一起,为我们九台农商行大业美好的明天而奋斗吧!
演讲结束 谢谢!